Love ... and hate. ... a way of wasting our existence ... together. by the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I saw them ... in love.

And ... i really saw ... many of them like that.

Unfortunately ... the passing of time makes me understand ... all was illusory.

I look again at all those couples ... and i don't really understand if they love ... or hate each other.

All ... it's unclear ... and it's like that cause ... i feel they really have lots of moments of loving each other ... but unfortunately ... something happens and it all becomes a real proof that ... at least for a short time ... they act like real enemies.

So ... all it's actually ... a nonsense.

It happens ... 1,2,3 ... 87 ... 856 times.

Many even dare to ask them ... if it is not ridiculous to say that they are a couple and act ... like that.

But ... this emotional balance love-hate continues ... and maybe many are experiencing it.


In .... continuous form.

My question is ... does anyone know why?


Most probably it's all because we don't really know to communicate with our partners.

We love them ... and feel happy together ... but also hate them cause they don't give us ... all we expect to get back into a beautiful relationship.

But... damn it ... if all is perfect ... and we feel happy together ... why the hell we don't enjoy ... the love story ... and stop thinking about our stupid expectations?!

Hmm ....

I did like that too ... allowing myself to have this emotional balance.

Well ... until one day when I've understood that life is too beautiful ... to waste it like that.

So .... I've just disconnected from all ... wanting to totally forget about my stupid unconscious side ... but also of all generated from the other side.

I ... simple need ... better experience.

I would even dare to say ... happiness ... in continuous form ...

But ... of course... that is illusory too.


Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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